The recent acquisition of Salesfusion will provide significant benefits for SugarCRM’s customers. Salesfusion is a leading marketing automation platform, recognised in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Lead Management.

Salesfusion turns website visitors into customers

You’re probably familiar with sending email blasts, then tracking opens, clicks, bounce rates, and unsubscribes. Email marketing is good for communicating with people you already know – but not for future customers. That’s where marketing automation comes in.

Marketing automation works in three important ways:

  • Converting unknown website visitors into known contacts
  • Automatically nurturing these prospective customers and building a relationship
  • Allowing you to analyse performance so you can continuously improve and personalise the visitor’s experience

Marketing automation completes your customer acquisition toolkit

Salesfusion works in conjunction with your website and SugarCRM and also integrates a range of tools including A/B testing, landing page and web form builders, and an automated campaign workflow builder.

The diagram below demonstrates how marketing automation works with your website and CRM as one integrated system to attract the right people, nurture them until they’re ready to purchase, then close the sale and drive repeat business.

How marketing automation works

Let’s break it down…
Step 1. Web visitors interact with relevant content

When someone visits your website, they’ll have a cookie (a unique identifier) assigned to them so you’ll know what they’re doing on your site, how long they’re there and lots of other data. But you don’t know who they are or how to reach out to them. This is where engaging content is important.

Step 2. A landing page or form on your website gathers email addresses

A visitor will provide their email address in exchange for something of value to them, for example signing up for a demo, or downloading a ‘how to’ guide. This is done via a landing page, which is a specialised web page designed to capture contact details, including name and email address.

Step 3. Automated marketing nurtures the potential customer

Now that a prospective customer’s email address is in the Salesfusion system, the process of nurturing can begin. Nurturing involves staying in touch with a prospective customer, reminding them of the value you offer, and continuing to provide useful information. A simple approach could be a series of emails over time.

Step 4. Salesfusion’s lead scoring qualifies the prospective customer

You can also see how a visitor continues to interact with your website, providing insights into the level and area of interest they exhibit. Using this information, you can assign a lead score to each known visitor. The greater level of interest (shown by clicking links, downloading content etc), the higher the lead score.

Step 5. Then it’s into the CRM and the sales process

The nurturing process all happens within the automated marketing system before there’s a handoff to your CRM, once someone becomes a customer, or demonstrates a high enough lead score to become part of your database and contacted by your sales team. This is often referred to as a SQL (Sales Qualified Lead).

As the earlier diagram shows, this is where the sales process takes over, driven by information from the CRM.

Bridging the gap between marketing and sales

One of the major benefits of automated marketing is that it brings the sales and marketing teams closer together. Marketing is able to do more prospect education and nurturing, so the leads delivered to the sales team are better qualified.

Even better, sales people working in the CRM can see the full prospect history, including which web pages they’ve visited. This helps the sales person understand what a prospective customer is most interested in and how they can best be of assistance.

In summary – the least you need to know

Automated marketing brings your website and CRM into one digital marketing ecosystem by:

  • Getting to know your future customers via your website
  • Gathering their data in exchange for useful content
  • Nurturing the relationship through targeted email and web content
  • Qualifying potential customers via their digital behaviour in a lead score
  • Using the lead score to deliver qualified leads to the CRM and sales team
  • Providing ongoing information to the marketing and sales teams via the CRM to allow for continuous improvement of performance

Existing Sugar customers who add Salesfusion by July 31 can access special introductory pricing. To book a demonstration of Salesfusion, contact us at