SugarCRM Access on Demand

Get access to SugarCRM experts faster and save.Introducing Access on Demand.Maintaining a pre-paid credit is the fastest way to access our team of SugarCRM experts and save between 12-18%.Access on Demand is a discounted pre-paid services account that you can draw...

Act! Access on Demand

Get access to Act! experts faster and save.Introducing Access on Demand.Maintaining a pre-paid credit is the fastest way to access our team of Act! experts and save between 12-18%.Access on Demand is a discounted pre-paid services account that you can draw down on...

.net update issues effecting Act!

A recent update released from Microsoft has caused Act! to crash when you try to use the documents tab. For now it would be advisable to inform your IT of this and be selective with Windows updates.  This issue is caused by updating Microsoft .NET Framework. If you...